Optimizing Digital Experience by Assuring Quality @ Speed
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With the app economy predicted to be worth $6.3 trillion by 2021, the mobile app market is bound to sky-rocket and it will bring fresh challenges associated with it.

Consumers today have little patience for bad mobile experiences. If a mobile app doesn’t live up to their expectations, customers will ditch the app in favor of another App with great mobile experiences. It happens more often these days as most of the consumers are getting exposed to great in-app experiences with the help of processes like mobile device cloud, Continuous Integration, DevOps, and technologies like Artificial Intelligence. It annoys a consumer when the experience is bad on other Apps. So, are you sure your app is ready for the upcoming challenges and ready to give an awesome digital experience? We got you covered. This whitepaper will help you get ready.


  • Taking a digital transformation leap
  • Mobility is the Core of Digital Transformation
  • Solving the challenges to achieve Quality@Speed in mobility
  • Fast Track Releases by Adopting UST’s Mobile Testing Service
  • Introducing the pCloudy testing platform
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