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pCloudy Progressive Reports Beta is Out!

“Knowing is half the battle won”. Here’s an illustration, think of a pitstop of an F1 race. When there is something wrong with a car, the racers bring their cars into the pit to get it diagnosed, fixed and get back to the race again. But what if there was an early detection system that could highlight the problems even before the racer understands that there is something wrong with that car, wouldn’t that save a lot of time and possibly help the racers win the race? That is exactly what the Progressive Reports essentially do.

Progressive Reports

Most engineers run the diagnostics and then fix the issues, however, if the engineers have the diagnosis beforehand, they would already be working on the solution instead of spending time on diagnostics. Progressive Reports are similar to those early diagnostics where your QAs can look into the solutions even before the entire Test Execution is complete. Let us understand it a bit more.

What are Progressive Reports?

Progressive Reports is an analytical tool that helps Testers, Developers, QAs, Program Managers, and practically anyone interested to learn about the real-time status of a Build. It provides information on the progress, duration, app profiling data of builds, test cases, test scenarios, etc in real-time. It is made up of three sections – The Dashboard, Build Level Data and Test Case Level Data.

Progressive Reports

The Dashboard provides a high level overview of the status of various builds that are scheduled or completed on the platform. The Build Level data goes a step further in providing the information on the status of the various Test Cases in that particular Build. And finally the Test Case Level data provides insights on the status of the test case, the logs, the app profiling data and also a video stream of what is going on in the test case. 

All of this information is captured in real-time and this makes a world of difference when it comes to thinking fast and taking prompt decisions to improve the quality of any application. Knowing what is going on with the build is half the battle won in terms of improving the quality of an application or making changes to see it come through to its release. Progressive Report gives Testers, Developers and QEs the power to bring in improvements and enhance the quality much before the Test Execution is completed. Which essentially creates a continuous feedback loop making the release cycles faster.


  • Provides real-time data
  • Test Case level live video stream
  • Consolidated Report for quick analysis
  • Access to reports, logs, videos at Run-Time
  • Access to real-time Build Status
  • Saves Time – Don’t have to wait till complete execution

Progressive Reports helps its users get a headstart towards the solution and saves a lot of time spent on test analysis. It helps businesses to act fast, which is a huge plus to many industries where timing plays a crucial role. Faster analysis leads to faster fixing leads to faster releases. So hurry and get onto the beta program of Progressive Reports and accelerate your release cycles. Happy Testing!

Progressive Reports

R Dinakar

Dinakar is a Content Strategist at pCloudy. He is an ardent technology explorer who loves sharing ideas in the tech domain. In his free time, you will find him engrossed in books on health & wellness, watching tech news, venturing into new places, or playing the guitar. He loves the sight of the oceans and the sound of waves on a bright sunny day.

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