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pCloudy’s New Platform: Built For You!

A famous quote by Mark Twain reads “Continuous Improvement Is Better Than Delayed Perfection.” This has been a quote that has been echoing in our heart from the time we called our platform a Continuous Testing Cloud. And we wondered what good is it if we don’t constantly improve and take our product to the next level. These are the thoughts that surround us constantly and drive us to look for opportunities to improve your experience at pCloudy. Which led us to taking a giant leap of revamping the product inside out.

After months of hard work, toil and sleepless nights, we take the pleasure of revealing the new platform with you today. We are so ecstatic and amazed at how we managed to come together from different teams to collaborate and bring out the best in our product. That’s right, we’ve heard your feedback, spent hours, days and months brainstorming to bring out a product that is shaped around you, built around your needs, and more importantly built to accentuate your experience!

Our Product Experience is Changing! Watch this Space.

What’s New on the Platform?

Nothing much has changed on the platform except that it has just gotten better, bolder, sleeker, and Agile!

The Meraki Design

Our design team cooked up the best of the best oomph to make the platform Meraki worthy! What is Meraki you ask? Well, it’s a feeling you get when you leave something of yourself in it. We want our users to experience our platform with so much passion and absolute devotion that you can’t help but leave a bit of yourself in it.

Everything in One Place

Of the many improvements on the platform, we have been very intentional in designing the Start Page with everything in it. It was a challenge to fit all the tools that you require for all your testing needs neatly in a single space. What’s more is to include it all and also have some room to breathe. We can’t be more than happy with what we have achieved on the Start Page.

Talk about the details, this page is your single point of access to everything you need to perform your testing. Access to devices, access to browsers, integrations of popular Automation frameworks, Access to Perform Visual Testing, much-needed tools like Device planner, Capabilities configurator and Desktop Assistant. You’ve got it all right where you need them. There is no more getting lost in the platform. Simply click on the Start button and voila, you’ve got everything right under your nose.

Customize your Space

Another new and interesting feature that we’ve built into the platform is the ability to customize and turn the platform into your personal space. We have redesigned the most used space on the platform and have given you the control to make it perfect for your setting.

That’s right, we have made the Device Connection Page more customizable to your tastes and like. You can move the panes around, dock your analysis charts or logs for a quicker glance. It is all yours to move around and make it into your personal working station.

Effortless Navigation

We have drastically reduced the number of steps it takes for you to get your testing tasks done. You will experience a much faster and easier navigation when switching between tasks and following a particular workflow. Navigate through the platform faster effortlessly.

Collaborate Better

With a lot more integrations and plugins being added on the platform we have taken the liberty to make it easier for you to collaborate with your teams and colleagues with much ease. Now you can collaborate with not just Jira, but with Slack and Github as well. Simply login with your credentials on the platform and integrate it for a seamless sharing and collaboration.


We are excited to be releasing the New platform to all the users in the pCloudy family. We do want to hear your feedback and wish you much ease and comfort in getting around the new platform. This one’s for you.

New UI bottom

R Dinakar

Dinakar is a Content Strategist at pCloudy. He is an ardent technology explorer who loves sharing ideas in the tech domain. In his free time, you will find him engrossed in books on health & wellness, watching tech news, venturing into new places, or playing the guitar. He loves the sight of the oceans and the sound of waves on a bright sunny day.

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