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Best Practices to Optimize Continuous Testing in DevOps


As more and more organizations undergo digital transformations, we see a growing trend towards cloud storage, cloud computing, and strategizing testing on cloud with a DevOps mindset. Continuous testing is an integral part of DevOps. The QA teams who use the best DevOps test strategy see the importance of faster software development and delivery as a competitive business differentiator. The development team aims to incorporate continuous testing into the development process so that the users can receive a high-quality product with great features without jeopardizing the software product’s reliability.

The team can uncover flaws and errors far in advance by testing continually throughout the software development and delivery process, making it simple to address minor issues before they become large, unmanageable losses. For strategic continuous testing, a well-designed DevOps test automation strategy is essential. Continuous testing reduces the time it takes to complete tests. It saves the developer’s time while uncovering errors and is an important collaborative method that emphasizes good communication and coordination between teams to achieve the best results. The gap between development and testing can be bridged by providing timely feedback to developers.


How does testing in DevOps work?

DevOps facilitates smooth communication between the development and operations teams, allowing them to work together to meet the demands of today’s competitive software development environment. Both teams share the responsibilities and work together to achieve the ultimate goal of delivering high-quality goods more frequently and quickly. Organizations might reach these goals faster and more efficiently with the support of a robust DevOps test automation strategy, best practices, and of course the use of the appropriate DevOps tools and technologies.  Continuous Integration and Delivery are two major DevOps strategies that enable quick software releases. It also implies that continuous testing at each stage of the development cycle is crucial to maintaining software quality.

After Agile gained traction, software testing has evolved. Since then, dozens of new technologies, faster collaborative testing methodologies, and tools have emerged in the testing space. In a nutshell, testing in DevOps looks something like this:

– Testing is automated and continuous, allowing software to be delivered rapidly and frequently.

– Continuous testing is an integral aspect of the SDLC and is carried out at every stage of the development cycle.

– Various types of testing are carried out at different SDLC levels to reduce backtracking in the event of an error.

– In DevOps automated testing, employees of several teams share testing responsibilities and collaborate to provide a unique perspective on problem-solving and a thorough understanding of the effects of each change.


Shift-Left Approach in DevOps

In contrast to a traditional environment where testing was done solely at the end of the software development cycle, DevOps culture constantly uses a Shift-Left testing approach. Shift-Left testing always pushes testing to the left of the development cycle, to earlier stages. To put it another way, testing begins as soon as development begins. This aids the DevOps team in identifying and resolving issues as soon as possible. This feature of DevOps continuous testing is its strength, and it helps improve software quality significantly. Regardless of these characteristics, the success or failure of a DevOps test strategy is determined by how well a company frames and implements DevOps Best practices for strategic continuous testing. 

Let’s go through the best practices for optimizing Continuous Testing in DevOps that organizations should embrace for successfully test execution:

  • Create a feedback loop from the beginning-

An effective continuous testing process begins with the creation of a feedback loop that connects various team members and ensures end-to-end communication. As a result, the members’ collaboration will improve, and a high-quality product will be delivered at the end of the process. This will also allow for brainstorming and the introduction of new ideas and problem-solving approaches.

Create a feedback loop

  • Getting the Most Out of Your Test Automation Suite

It is critical to select the appropriate Test Automation suite under DevOps automated testing strategy, as continuous testing is dependent on its capabilities. To achieve the greatest results, the test automation suite should be used to its full capability. It will perform automated tests to check for any errors that emerge at any stage of the DevOps process. Organizations sometimes choose tools to generate test suites just because everyone else is doing it, rather than checking if it will be appropriate for their testing needs. Selenium, for example, cannot perform API checks, yet it has been used for the same purpose with unfavorable results because it does not work at the web service level. Because of the functionalities given by a range of tools, testers are sometimes enticed to add program after program to their test suite. As a result, they frequently overlook or undervalue the useful capabilities of the existing solution when undertaking DevOps automated testing. This is why developers should be trained and introduced to courses or mentored to gain a better understanding of the tool’s capabilities after using it for a while.

  •  Persistence and adaptability

Continuous testing is not as rigid as a structured set of rules. It’s an open-ended and adaptable concept. It depends on what you make and the tools you use to create it in terms of how it seems to people at the other end. The general goals of continuous testing are to discover and resolve defects early in the SDLC and develop high-quality software faster, however, there are many other ways of implementing this. As a result, your DevOps test automation strategy should always be adaptable enough to allow for the use of many sorts of methods to improve continuous testing. In DevOps, testers must create workflows to automate the old manual tests, and the results should be kept in a common repository so that testers can keep track of issues that are most likely to occur and fix them ahead of time. After identifying the issues, it’s time to be persistent. This includes delving deep into the various possible solutions to the identified problems, rather than blindly leaping into something that isn’t working. It necessitates keeping to the goals, focusing on product-based goals rather than project-based goals, and analyzing data and insights to predict issues before they occur.

  •  Using Headless Browsers

For any web application testing, your DevOps Testing Strategy should include the use of Headless Browsers. Headless browsers do not have a graphical user interface and enable automated web page control in a similar environment to that of other popular browsers, but you can use them via a command-line interface or over the network communication. Html Unit, Firefox Headless Mode, Headless Chrome, Splash, Zombie.js, Puppeteer, and others are some examples of headless browsers. They’ll let you run DevOps automated testing without having to use a User Interface. These browsers can help you grow your Continuous testing since they can run tests quickly, utilize less RAM, and offer results faster than their UI/GUI equivalents. We’ve all heard about the benefits of continuous testing: quick feedback, early bug detection, and the ability for developers to resolve issues before they become unsustainable.

Headless browsers

Employees can use various JavaScript-based tools to do performance auditing, unit testing, and accessibility testing, making continuous testing simple and accessible. Your DevOps test automation strategy should focus on developing a system similar to a cloud-based customer service solution (Contact Center as a Service) that provides a high-quality product that provides a smooth customer experience. The service and support industry is gaining traction rapidly, which is one of the reasons why Continuous testing with Headless browsers is critical.

  • Utilizing the DevOps team to its full potential

DevOps is all about practicing development and operations together. All the team members, including engineers, UX professionals, and others, should practice testing in this blended approach. The ultimate goal of this type of collaboration is to provide the highest quality product to the customer and to do so, the entire team must collaborate to create, test, re-build, and re-test continuously. It is the responsibility of every team member to ensure that the output quality is not compromised. It also implies that not only the selected QA testers will work on key performance indicators, but all team members will need to collaborate to achieve the end goal. This should become the primary goal even if the team is located in different geographies and communicates remotely. Even the QA team can switch and become involved at any step of development or deployment, and they must be well versed in everything from container concepts to infrastructure automation.


With regards to developing a DevOps test strategy, the focus should always be on collaboration among team members. Continuous testing should be predicated on the members’ faith in one another and their belief that by working alongside, they can explore and provide solutions to problems and achieve the project’s goal through collaborative efforts.

In many organizations, DevOps is considered as a one-stop solution to remain or become competitive in the market. Continuous testing is an important aspect of the CI-CD Pipelines, ensuring that top-notch software is released quickly and efficiently. The quality of DevOps Best Practices you adopt in your DevOps culture, on the other hand, has a greater impact on the success of the testing. Additionally, Automation and tool selection can help you achieve your DevOps goals and improve the quality of your DevOps Test Strategy.

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Priyanka Charak

Tech Blogger - She writes about Technology, Mobile Application Development, Internet of Things, E-commerce, Computing and Design with the aim to coalesce new media and technology.

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